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ENGL 110: Rhetorical Situation Analysis: 4. Evaluating Sources


In order to evaluate the credibility of your source, you can use the CRAAP test.


CRAAP Test Score Card

An image of the CRAAP scorecard which can be downloaded as a PDF below

CRAAP scorecard for evaluating sources. The categories for scoring include:

  • currency
    • when was the information published or updated?
  • relevance
    • does this source answer your research or assignment questions?
  • authority
    • who is the author or publisher and can you verify his or her credentials?
  • accuracy
    • are the statements or facts backed up with evidence and sources?
  • purpose
    • is the information unbiased and impartial?

Each category can be scored from one to ten with one being the low score and ten being the high score. The higher the total score, the more reliable the website may be. Any source scoring below thirty might not be considered acceptable for academic research.