These are people, places & events that figure prominently in the history of New France from 1534 to 1763 that can be used as search terms as well as ideas for research in the era.
Bougainville, Louis-Antoine de, comte,
Cardinal Richelieu
Samuel de Champlain
Jacques Cartier
General Braddock
Joseph Coulon de Jumonville,
King's Daughters
Algonquian peoples
Iroquois Peoples
Henry IV
Louis XIII
Louis XIV
Fort Caroline,
Fort Duquesne
Fortress of Louisbourg
Gulf of St. Lawrence River
Lake Champlain
Quebec City
Company of One Hundred Associates
Communauté des Habitants
Fur Trade
Beaver Wars
French and Indian War
King George's War
King William's War
Seven Years War
Queen Anne's War
Great Peace of Montreal 1701
Treaty of Utrecht 1713
Treaty of Paris 1763