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Interlibrary Loan for Faculty: Traditional Interlibrary Loan

This guide covers all things ILL and PASCAL for faculty and staff. Learn what these services are and how to use them.

Interlibrary Loan Staff

Interlibrary Loan Office: 843.953.8010

ILL and PASCAL Delivers books can be picked up whenever the Access & Instruction Desk is staffed. Up-to-date Access and Instruction Desk hours can be seen here: 

What is Interlibrary Loan?

Interlibrary Loan is a service that allows students, faculty and staff to obtain books and articles that our library may not own.  Any College of Charleston faculty, staff, or student with a valid library card can submit ILL requests except for: students with delinquent loans, overdue fines, or those enrolled non-credit courses; spouses or children; alumni; special patrons; or guest researchers.

Undergraduates are limited to five outstanding requests at one time. Graduates are limited to ten. Graduate assistants should submit requests for themselves in their own name. Requests for faculty should be under the faculty member’s name. Requests are processed in the order received. Requests are not accepted by telephone.

PLEASE consult our Discovery service before submitting a request!

Log on to ILLiad

Interlibrary Loan Questions

Borrowing Guidelines

We do not borrow items listed in our catalog unless they are declared lost or checked out. Lending libraries determine what materials they will photocopy or loan. The following materials often are not available through ILL:

  • recently published books
  • entire volumes or issues of periodicals
  • reference works
  • rare books or original manuscripts
  • newspapers in their original manuscripts
  • videotapes or sound recordings
  • computer software
  • works genealogy
  • some dissertations and theses
Use of Borrowed Materials

Loan periods and renewals are determined by the lending library. Borrowers, including faculty, can expect to keep most returnables for two to four weeks. Researchers should make every effort to complete their work with ILL material within the original loan period. If a renewal becomes necessary, use your ILLiad account to request such before the item is due. Only one renewal per item can be requested. Please note that all ILL returnables are subject to immediate recall by the lending institution.

Our ability to borrow from other libraries is dependent on our past performance with returned items. When patrons keep ILL materials beyond the due date, they jeopardize our ability to borrow from that library. This can effect our ability to obtain materials for everyone here at the College of Charleston.

The lending library also establishes the conditions under which borrowed material may be used. Some items may be restricted for use in our library only, photocopying may be prohibited, etc. A borrower's failure to comply with the conditions of a loan could jeopardize his or her interlibrary loan privileges and can effect our ability to obtain materials for everyone here at the College of Charleston.

Charges & Financial Responsibility

The Addlestone Library pays all normal shipping, photocopying, lending and service fees for interlibrary loan. Users of ILL services are responsible for any fines and/or replacement costs arising from their requests, as well as any copyright charges exceeding $50.00.

Renewals, Returns, & Recalls

Most lending libraries will allow one renewal of borrowed material. Renewals must be requested before the item is due. Use your ILLiad account to request a renewal. The Interlibrary Loan staff will contact you if the due date is not extended by the lending institution.

Return all ILL materials to the Access & Instruction Desk on or before the date due.

Recalled materials should be returned immediately.

Continued failure to return ILL materials in a timely manner may result in suspension of an individual's interlibrary loan privileges.

Important Copyright Information


The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials.

Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research". If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use", that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.