When you've spent ages working up a decent search strategy, it pays to have it work for you into the future. Did you know you can set up search alerts to get notifications when future articles are published that match your search criteria? For personalization features, such as this, on major academic database platforms like Web of Science, ProQuest, and EBSCOHost you'll need to create a free account on the platform.
This brief video demonstrates how to set up email alerts for searches that you have run and saved on the Web of Science platform. Setting up an RSS feed is also accomplished in a similar way. Look for the RSS feed icon in the video as search alert settings are discussed.
If you like to use RSS feed readers, many databases will also allow you to set up an RSS feed to access articles matching your existing search as they are published in the future. Current feed readers available change from time to time, but here are a couple to consider:
Here's an example of a live RSS feed from ScienceDaily Marine Biology section.