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COMM 104 Public Speaking: Library Research & Associated Adventures FALL 2023: Home

Professor Brook Irving

Guest:  Librarian Jared A. Seay

Part 1: Follow along as the nice librarian explains:

  • What is this library thing - and where are all the things in this library
    • A General Lay of the Land
    • Books
    • Articles
    • Videos/Films
  • What the heck is ILL?
  • How do I get help from real humans?

Part 2: Observe closely as your research knowledge is vastly increased: 

  • Searching the Discovery Service and the Databases for research for supporting one's position

Part 3: Your Google Docs Worksheet

  • Open the "read-only" Google worksheet
  • Log into your Google account
  • Click on "File" at the top of the page, and select "Make a copy..." so that you can work on the assignment.
  • Follow the instructions on your Google Doc to locate ideas for topics or topic sources and record the requested information for each source.

Part 4 Library Info. & Feedback


Research Librarian, Media Services Coordinator

Profile Photo
Jared Seay
Addlestone Room 101