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Biology Research: Find Sources

Guidance and key resources for doing academic research in Biology

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Subject Specific Databases

Web Resources

The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online
From University of Cambridge.

Plants Database
Information on US plants.

Science.Gov is the gateway to reliable information about science and technology from across Federal government organizations. From, users can find over one thousand government information resources about science. These resources include: technical reports, journal citations, databases, Federal web sites, and fact sheets.

National Center for Biotechnology Information
Creator of PubMed, PubMed Central, and many other databases. It's a national resource for molecular biology information.

Tree of Life
Internet project containing information about organisms, their history, and characteristics. Information is shown as an evolutionary tree that connects all organisms to each other.

Biosciences Links
Comprehensive site with links to other useful educational and commercial sites and e-journals, brought to you by Harvard University.

Biochemistry Data Banks and Knowledgebases (for proteins, nucleic acids, and other biological macromolecules)

BMRB BioMagResBank
Provides data from NMR spectroscopic investigations of biological macromolecules on proteins, peptides and nucleic acids.

DDBJ: DNA Data Bank of Japan
One of the world's three major sequence databases.

EMBL-Bank (Europe)
One of the world's three major sequence databases.

GenBank (USA)
One of the world's three major sequence databases. This NCBI genetic sequence database is an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences.  Each of its entry includes a description of the sequence, the scientific name of the source organism, and a table of features that identifies coding regions.

Molecular Modeling Database (MMDB)
This database contains over 28,000 structures and is linked to the rest of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) databases, including sequences, bibliographic citations, taxonomic classifications, and sequence and structure neighbors.

The Protein Structure Initiative Structural Genomics Knowledgebase (PSI SGKB)
PSI SGKB aims to keep you informed about advances in structural biology and structural genomics and to discover how protein sequences, 3-D structures and models relate to biological function.

RCSB Protein Data Bank
The worldwide repository for the processing and distribution of 3-D biological macromolecular structure data.

The Reference Sequence (RefSeq) provides a stable reference for gene identification and characterization, mutation analysis, expression studies, polymorphism discovery, and comparative analyses. RefSeq records are derived from primary GenBank submissions with additional annotation and manual curation added by experts. 

A protein sequence database that provides a high level of annotation (such as the description of the function of a protein, its domains structure, post- translational modifications, variants, etc.), a minimal level of redundancy and high level of integration with other databases.

Other Useful Biochemistry Websites (pathways, nomenclature, etc.) 

Biochemical Pathways – Cellular and Molecular
Roche offers Web versions of its two wall maps on Biochemical Pathways (this one is on Cellular and Molecular Pathways). Enzymes are linked to the corresponding ENZYME Data Bank entry.

Biochemical Pathways – Metabolic Pathways
Roche offers Web versions of its two wall maps on Biochemical Pathways (this one is on Metabolic Pathways). Enzymes are linked to the corresponding ENZYME Data Bank entry.

Entrez Protein
Allows users to find taxonomy information for the species from which a protein sequence was derived.

Enzyme Nomenclature Database
A repository of information relative to the nomenclature of enzymes, this database can be useful to researchers working with enzymes and can be of help in the development of computer programs involved with the manipulation of metabolic pathways.

Create nucleotide and protein sequences using GeneDesign developed by the Johns Hopkins Medical Institution.

Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
lists nearly 3000 terms and gives succinct definitions to them

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
NCBI creates public databases, conducts research in computational biology, develops software tools for analyzing genome data, and disseminates biomedical information for the better understanding of molecular processes affecting human health and disease