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Biology Research: Write and Cite

Guidance and key resources for doing academic research in Biology

Citation Styles Guide

How to Cite

Learn how to cite your sources in MLA, APA, and other styles.

Citation Styles Guide

Center for Student Learning

Center for Student Learning

The CSL offers tutoring, writing and study skills help, and more.


Citation Resources

Other Resources

Mendeley is a free, easy to use citation manager. Import citations and PDFs of articles as you search to create your own searchable library. Organize your citations in folders and share them with your team. You can highlight text and annotate the articles you are using in your research using the integrated PDF viewer and editor.

To use Mendeley, create a free account and download the desktop software. Add the citation plugin to your web browser and the Word plugin to MS Word. Using the Word plugin you can cite while you write your paper, and with one click, create a fully formatted bibliography. Mendeley can use hundreds of citation styles; just choose or download the one you need to use.

Mendeley provides a variety of useful guides to help you get started.