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FRCS 101 (Hargrave): Find Sources

Primary Sources

Refresh your knowledge of Primary Sources.

Often they are created during the time period which is being studied (correspondence, diaries, newspapers, government documents, art) but they can also be produced later by eyewitnesses or participants (memoirs, oral histories).

(from the Primary Sources Library Guide, written by Mary Jo Fairchild)

Databases containing multiple current newspapers

Also search Country Info > France > Source

Other Sources

Find other sources by searching keywords in the Discover tool. Our demo searches were:
catacombs and paris
cathedrals and paris
cafes and paris

Remember to explore new terms as you research and try those terms too.

Once you find researchers in this field, you can search their names for other articles and books they have written, for example: Erin-Marie Legacey

Discover CofC Libraries

The Discovery Service provides a single, unified search box for searching the holdings of the College of Charleston Libraries, including academic/scholarly journal articles, print books, e-books, newspapers, magazines, internet documents, research reports, research guides, and much more!

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Google Scholar

How to Connect with Library Resources

Update your Google Scholar settings to link to the College of Charleston Libraries collection.

  1. Go to Google Scholar, and click the three horizontal bars in the left corner to view the menu (for browser Chrome--if using another browser, look for settings).
  2. Click the cog icon to see Settings.
  3. Click Library links, and search for College of Charleston.
  4. Check the box next to "College of Charleston Libraries.”
  5. Click Save.

View it @ CofC link will now appear next to select articles in your search results. Click on them to see if we have the articles in our collection. Note: Google Scholar includes books and book chapters as well as articles. The View it link won't work for these or for journal articles that are only available in print (not online).