People of the Global Majority in the Outdoor, Nature and EnvironmentPeople of the Global Majority in the Outdoor, Nature and Environment envisions a world that centers, values, uplifts, and empowers those who are most impacted by environmental harm and climate change—and in particular black, indigenous, and people of color/of the global majority—to lead the way toward environmental justice and collective liberation.
People of the Global Majority in the Outdoor, Nature and Environment attempts to model their vision by creating an intentional space for Black, Indigenous, and people of color/the global majority who participate in US-based movements for environmental education, access, and justice; land sovereignty; conservation; climate justice; food justice; and others. The space supports participants to share, learn, collaborate, heal, celebrate, build community, find support, and practice uprooting the systems of oppression that operate upon us, between us, and within us.