Your first line of video/film access is via our current streaming databases. We subscribe to four streaming video databases and eight streaming audio databases. Our video streaming services are Academic Video Online (aka VAST) from Alexander Street Press, Films on Demand from Films Media Group (aka: Films for the Sciences and Humanities), Kanopy, and Met Opera. Our streaming audio services are Naxos Music Library, Oxford Music Online and six subsets of the Alexander Street suite including American Music Library, Classical Music Library, Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries, Contemporary World Music, Jazz Music Library, and Popular Music Library.
A faculty member needing a video title for a course is encouraged to search these databases for that title. These databases can be accessed by students and faculty from their alphabetical link in the Databases section of the Addlestone Library website. Also, direct access to these databases and information about them are available in the LIBRARY STREAMING DATABASES.
Using Streaming Video in a Course: Some of the streaming videos in our catalog have usage restrictions or are leased titles that can be removed from our subscription during the course of the semester. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you notify us by using the following form if you are assigning a library resource in class so that we can look at the library's current options and examine any upgrade options available so that we can try to gain an appropriate level of access for use in your courses:
Streaming access to more than 500 Met performances, including more than 75 past performances from the Mets award-winning Live in HD series as well as more than 400 classic full-length video and audio performances