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CofC Libraries Instruction and Assessment: LIBR 105, 2015-2016

CofC Librarians and Archivists are available to provide credit bearing, scheduled, and point of need instruction to ensure users have access to regular and timely instruction in the use of library and other learning/information resources.

Spring 2016 LIBR 105 Course Goals, Student Learning Outcomes, and Assessment Plan

Based on work by Joey van Arnhem and Jannette Finch to incorporate the new ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education into our Library Instruction Assessment Plan, the following LIBR 105 Course Goals and Student Learning Outcomes were adopted by BIAC on 10/27/15. The signature assignment for LIBR 105 will remain the annotated bibliography. Joey and Jannette will have a pilot coding system and assessment plan by 5/1/16. We will assess the pilot in May and June and include our results and plans for the future in the Library Instruction Assessment Plan Update 2016.

Outcome for Library Instruction Assessment 2015-2016 (11/12/15):

Develop a standard set of student learning outcomes for all library instruction sessions and an assessment instrument based on the Framework for Information Literacy produced by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL).

Assessment Method

Convene team of librarians who teach library classes to familiarize themselves with the Framework document, discuss how these national standards affect the College of Charleston’s curriculum, draft a set of student learning outcomes for library instruction and develop an assessment instrument to measure student learning.  

Performance Target 1: Conduct the pilot project with LIBR 105 students enrolled in Spring 2016.

Performance Target 2: By June 30, 2016, assess the results of the pilot project and plan revisions and future deployment.

LIBR 105 assessment plan from the Library Instruction Assessment Update 2015:

In accordance with our three year assessment cycle, we will use the 2015-2016 academic year to reflect on what learning outcomes we would next like to measure and to plan for a means of assessment.

LIBR 105 Student Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course you will be able to

  1. Develop compelling research questions

  2. Identify contextually appropriate tools and resources to answer research questions

  3. Employ effective and efficient search strategies to find a range of appropriate information sources

  4. Critically evaluate information according to discipline specific parameters of authority

  5. Use information ethically, avoiding plagiarism and respecting the intellectual property of others

  6. Contribute to ongoing scholarly conversation by producing new information content and building on previous scholarly efforts

Adapted from:
Carncross, M. (2014). LIB 201: Using libraries today [Syllabus]. Retrieved July 2, 2015.

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