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CofC Libraries Instruction and Assessment: Scheduled Instruction

CofC Librarians and Archivists are available to provide credit bearing, scheduled, and point of need instruction to ensure users have access to regular and timely instruction in the use of library and other learning/information resources.

Scheduled Instruction

Scheduled Instruction, often referred to as "one-shots", is designed to improve students' research, metaliteracy, and digital literacy skills by incorporating information literacy instruction in the classroom. Librarians and archivists work closely with faculty to develop lessons that integrate with course assignments and SLOs. 

Library instruction takes place during a scheduled class session, either in a library classroom or in the class' regularly scheduled room. It can also take place online, synchronously or asynchronously. Sessions often include some combination of lecture/demonstration, discussion, or in-class research activities.

Scheduled Instruction includes, but is not limited to, instruction for First Year Students (FYE, ENGL 110, and Learning Communities), courses within our liaison areas, archival instruction, digital literacy instruction, and GenAI instruction.

Scheduled Instruction Assessment

Please be sure to count all scheduled instruction sessions in the scheduled instruction dataset in LibInsight using the following widget. Hint: You can add a link to the home screen on your phone to make this even easier!

Scheduling an instruction session? Plan time in your session to assess! This assessment, brought to you by the Library Instruction Advisory Committee (LIAC), has the opportunity to improve your instruction practices and provides valuable data that can be incorporated into your tenure and promotion packets.

Real-time, aggregated data is displayed in our Data Dashboards on the College Libraries website.