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CofC Libraries Instruction and Assessment: LIBR FYSE

CofC Librarians and Archivists are available to provide credit bearing, scheduled, and point of need instruction to ensure users have access to regular and timely instruction in the use of library and other learning/information resources.

Submitting an FYSE Proposal

Please Inform Associate Dean Christa Poparad and Chair of LIAC Elena Rodriguez before submitting any FYSE proposal.

Transitioning a LIBR 106 proposal/course to an FYSE is an excellent opportunity to teach a three credit course! FYSE proposals will go through the FYE committee. However, before submitting a proposal to teach a new FYSE, you will need to first have it approved as a LIBR 106 course through LIAC since all FYE courses must be credentialed through their home department. Once approved, you are welcome to submit a FYSE proposal using the information provided on your LIBR 106 proposal.

Other Considerations:

  • If you plan to teach in a Learning Community, you will still need to go through LIAC. You have the option to teach in a LC with an FYSE or with a LIBR 106.
  • An FYE course can be proposed as an REI course.

Course Syllabi

Elena Rodriguez is the designated reviewer for FYSE syllabi. Prior to instructing, please email your syllabus to Elena for review.

All Syllabi needs to contain the course goals and student learning outcomes detailed in your LIBR 106/ FYSE proposal. The following links from Academic Affairs will assist you in crafting your syllabus.