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CofC Libraries Instruction and Assessment: Research Consultations, 2014-2016

CofC Librarians and Archivists are available to provide credit bearing, scheduled, and point of need instruction to ensure users have access to regular and timely instruction in the use of library and other learning/information resources.


Research Consultations are assessed using a 3-item web-based questionnaire that is emailed to the students immediately following their consultations.

The first two items ask the students to rate aspects of their consultation experience.

The third item gives students a space to enter text describing what new things about library research, services, and resources they learned during their consultations.

Responses are gathered using survey software from which a bi-annual report will be made to the Library Instruction Advisory Committee starting in the 2016 Spring semester. Based on the survey results as well as any common themes that arise from individual comments, the LIAC will make recommendations to librarians that provide consultations and will also consider modifying or re-tooling the assessment too.

July - December 2016 Research Consultation Assessment Report

Between July and December 2016, librarians and archivists provided 729 individual and small group consultations, assisting 1031 people. During this time period, we received 34 research consultation feedback surveys, a 4.66% response rate. Targets for Measures 1 and 2 (see below) are greater than 4.5 on a scale of 1 to 5. During this assessment period, the mean score for Measure 1 was 4.97, and the mean score for Measure 2 was 4.82. Assessment targets were met during this period.


Measure 1 - The librarian helped me feel confident that we would find good information for my research.










Measure 2 - The information the librarian and I found together will help me do well on my assignment.










What new things about the library or doing library research did you learn during this research consultation?

I learned that the librarians are very friendly and passionate, and have a very curious and intrigued nature. Mr. Lewter was very involved and interested in the research and I really appreciated that enthuastism


To narrow my search and to create a proper thesis


How the interlibrary loan works, how long i can check out books for, how to use discovery search effectively


I learned that you can go to more sources than just Discovery! Looking on Google for sources isn't always a bad thing!!


How to find a book!!


i learned better techniques to organize my research


The librarian was very helpful in accommodating me with an appointment. He advised me of a subject, to do my research project on. Thanks


how to more efficiently and accurately use the databases on the Library website


In addition to furthering my knowledge about library research, I learned that one can schedule research appointments.


I was reminded of and learned new mechanics of researching through the CoC Library website.


I learned where to look to help come with hourly wages for my employees as well as some KSA's required for my idea compared to others.


Learning how to use online tools was especially helpful.


How to search and use the databases and e-journals.


I was able to learn how to down load videos from youtube into a voice thread presentation


Equipment available for student use


Equipment available for student use


How to conduct a search and resources available to me.


I learned about Google drive and being able to send the information I found in research to it instead of printing out everything. I also learned how to search for journals


You can order a book through the library if the library doesn't have the book you're looking for


I learned how to use the library's database which will be very helpful in doing my research for my project.


How to do Advanced Google searches


How to do an advanced search on Google. And about the VAST database.


Burton was extremely helpful, patient, and caring. He even sent me a bunch of links in a separate e-mail following the consultation.


How to search for information within an ebook.

I have worked with Steven for many years, he has always been extremely; learned, available and professional in all assistance I have needed. I am so grateful for Steven and the calaber of researching staff the college of charleston has available for all students. We are truly fortunate. Thank you

I found some useful new databases to search from!

January - June 2016 Research Consultation Assessment Report

Between January and June 2016, research and instruction librarians provided 75 individual and small group research consultations, assisting 76 people. During this time period, we received 8 research consultation feedback surveys, a 11% response rate. Given that the average value for both of the rating-based items are on the high end (5 and 4.88 on a scale of 1 to 5), it can be said that survey respondents are generally satisfied with the research consultation services they received. Below are the response reports for each survey item for this time period.

July - December 2015 Research Consultation Assessment Report

Between July and December of 2015, research and instruction librarians provided 78 individual and small group research consultations, assisting 91 people. During this time period, we received 20 research consultation feedback surveys, a 26% response rate. Given that the average value for both of the rating-based items are on the high end (4.85 and 4.90 on a scale of 1 to 5), it can be said that survey respondents are generally satisfied with the research consultation services they received. Below are the response reports for each survey item for this time period.



January - June 2015 Research Consultation Assessment Report

Between January and June of 2015, research and instruction librarians provided 100 individual and small group research consultations, assisting 107 people. During this time period, we received 45 research consultation feedback surveys, a 45% response rate. Given that the average value for both of the rating-based items are on the high end (4.98 and 4.96 on a scale of 1 to 5), it can be said that survey respondents are generally satisfied with the research consultation services they received. Below are the response reports for each survey item for this time period.


July - December 2014 Research Consultation Assessment Report

Between July and December of 2014, research and instruction librarians provided 112 individual and small group research consultations, assisting 120 people. During this time period, we received 30 research consultation feedback surveys, a 27% response rate. On the two both rating-based items, respondents gave scores of 4 and 5 on a scale of 1 to 5; average scores were 4.97 and 4.93, respectively. These scores and the respondent comments below indicate high satisfaction with the research consultation services. Below are the response reports for each survey item for this time period.



A picture of the first research consultation assessment tool, used from July 2014 to June 2016