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CofC Libraries Instruction and Assessment: LIBR 105, 2013-2017 (Comprehensive)

CofC Librarians and Archivists are available to provide credit bearing, scheduled, and point of need instruction to ensure users have access to regular and timely instruction in the use of library and other learning/information resources.

3 Year Assessment Cycle

Over the course of four years (2013 - 2017), the library undertook an assessment of select SLOs (Student Learning Outcomes) related to LIBR 105, a one-credit library research skills class. Random, redacted samples of signature assignments from select sections of LIBR 105 were scored by librarians using a four tiered rubric. This assessment was implemented in three rounds:

Round 1 (2013 - 2015) measured the following SLOs

  • ​Students identify and locate a variety of relevant sources to support their chosen topic.
  • Students differentiate scholarly, authoritative sources appropriate to the chosen topic.
  • Using an established standard citation style appropriate to the topic, students correctly construct, format, and produce an annotated bibliography.

Round 2 (2015 - 2016) incorporated new ACRL Information Literacy Framework concepts into LIBR 105 SLOs

  • LIBR 105 Annotated Bibliography Signature Assignment Rubric 

Round 3 (2016 - 2017) measured the following SLOs

  • Identify contextually appropriate tools and resources to answer research questions
  • Critically evaluate information according to discipline specific parameters of authority.

The following recommendations were made based on the rounds of assessment:

Implemented Strategies:

Required Early Draft Signature Assignments (artifact): Given the short duration of express courses, this strategy proved difficult to implement. Many students have never used the library's resources prior to class and need instruction before they can even begin to search for sources. In order to implement this strategy under these time constraints, the signature assignment was scaffolded in a Google Doc and feedback given for each section. This allowed students to receive instruction, practice what they learned, and incorporate instructor feedback into the signature assignment.
Sharing results with peers: Students explored the libraries' databases and shared what they learned through Group Online Database Presentations.
Scaffolded Assignments: Scaffolding built into course as is reflected in the syllabus:

Planned Strategies:

Results of this assessment will be shared with the Research and Instruction Librarians as well as LIAC (Library Instruction Advisory Committee) to determine a path forward.

LIBR 105 Course Goals

​The goal of the course for you to become a metaliterate learner, who learns continually in a constantly and rapidly evolving information landscape. Students will become active participants in their information seeking endeavors rather than just passive consumers of information, developing critical thinking skills that can help them in life. Metaliteracy, as interpreted by the Association of College and Research Libraries, encompasses research, information, and scholarship as shown in the infographic below.

Course Goals

  • Goal 1: Evaluate content critically, including dynamic, online content that changes and evolves, such as article preprints, blogs, and wikis.
  • Goal 2: Understand personal privacy, information ethics, and intellectual property issues in changing technology environments.
  • Goal 3: Share information and collaborate in a variety of participatory environments.
  • Goal 4: Demonstrate ability to connect learning and research strategies with lifelong learning processes and personal, academic, and professional goals.

Image of metaliterate learner from ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education website.

Course goals adopted from:
Mackey, T., & Jacobson, T. (2014, September 11). Goals and learning objectives. Retrieved July 2, 2015, from website:  


Image Sources:

Finch, J. (n.d.). Map of assignments that target information metaliteracy characteristics [Infographic; JPG].

LIBR 105 Syllabi

Burton Callicott is the designated reviewer for LIBR 105 syllabi. Prior to instructing, please email your syllabus to for review. If you are planning to teach online, after completing the DE Readiness course, you must also email your syllabus to Doug Ferguson at

All LIBR 105 Syllabi need to contain the course goals and student learning outcomes stated above. The current signature assignment for LIBR 105 assessment is the annotated bibliography. The assessment rubric is linked below.

The following links from Academic Affairs will assist you in crafting your syllabus.

LIBR 105 Student Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course you will be able to

  1. Develop compelling research questions

  2. Identify contextually appropriate tools and resources to answer research questions

  3. Employ effective and efficient search strategies to find a range of appropriate information sources

  4. Critically evaluate information according to discipline specific parameters of authority

  5. Use information ethically, avoiding plagiarism and respecting the intellectual property of others

  6. Contribute to ongoing scholarly conversation by producing new information content and building on previous scholarly efforts

Adapted from:
Carncross, M. (2014). LIB 201: Using libraries today [Syllabus]. Retrieved July 2, 2015.

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