Research appointments are available for CofC faculty, staff, and students to meet with a librarian or archivist to discuss a research topic, outline a research strategy, assist in finding resources, assist in the use of proper citation style, and how to avoid plagiarism or copyright violations. Research appointments are scheduled at a time that is convenient for both the researcher and the librarian.
For this reason, it is vital that all librarians and archivists have appointments available through LibCal. LibCal Appointments synchronizes with your Outlook account so that patrons cannot schedule appointments with you during times you are unavailable in Outlook, and scheduled appointments are automatically added to your Outlook calendar. These appointments also serve as "office hours" that traditional faculty offer to their students.
Please be sure to count all research appointments in the appropriate point of need dataset in LibInsight using these widgets. Hint: You can add a link to the home screen on your phone to make this even easier!
Assessment provides the opportunity to adjust instruction practices based on feedback from students. The Library Instruction Advisory Committee (LIAC) has provided the following assessment instrument.
Real-time, aggregated data is displayed in our Data Dashboards on the College Libraries website.