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CofC Libraries Instruction and Assessment: North Campus, 2016-2018

CofC Librarians and Archivists are available to provide credit bearing, scheduled, and point of need instruction to ensure users have access to regular and timely instruction in the use of library and other learning/information resources.

Assessment for Scheduled Instruction

Assessment Plan, 2017-2018

The North Campus librarian will continue to distribute surveys for instructional sessions given in 2017-2018. It may offer interesting results to compare deliberate emphasis on select Frames from the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education set prior to instruction with the more organic discovery of Frames as described in the Assessment Results for 2016-2017.

Assessment Results (One-Shot Sessions, 2016-2017)

The North Campus librarian collected and analyzed data from one-shot sessions with the goal of aligning teaching themes with the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (Framework). The process is described below, and is excerpted from an article in draft, submitted for publication. The article is authored by the North Campus Librarian, Jannette Finch, and Joey van Arnhem and Mary Jo Fairchild. For a copy of this article, please contact

To reach a final goal of creating visualizations of information literacy concepts, open-ended surveys completed by students after library instructional sessions were analyzed. For instructional sessions given at the North Campus, over 200 anonymous surveys were distributed, collected, analyzed, and coded.

After initial coding, survey comments were linked with each of the six Frames found in the Framework. This work was informed by work completed in 2015 by the LIAC group in coding student learning outcomes with the Frames.

Table 1

Coded Survey Results, North Campus




Authority is Constructed and Contextual



Information Creation as a Process



Information has Value



Research as Inquiry



Scholarship as Conversation



Searching as Strategic Exploration




For visual representations of this data, please contact

The results seen above are from a process of discovery, analyzing and coding student surveys after instruction. Teaching instructional sessions may also be more deliberate, requiring student learning outcomes set in advance by consultation with the class professor. At this time, a specific frame or several frames may be emphasized.



The coding described below in Assessment for One Shot Sessions is still being applied to 2016 sessions, which have been defined as "Scheduled Instruction."

The librarian has chosen to use the assessment tool most often used by other CofC librarians.

Assessment is done electronically if students are in a computer lab.

The assessment tool is here:

The paper form is used when students are not in a computer lab, and is linked below. 

Assessment for One Shot Sessions (2015)

The librarian at the College of Charleston North Campus served on a team to address assessing individual bibliographic sessions given at the professor’s requests. These are commonly called one shot sessions.

After conducting research into assessment methods, the librarian chose to use two techniques to assess student learning: KWL (What do you KNOW, WHAT do you want to learn, what have you LEARNED) and the one minute paper.

Using responses from these sessions, the librarian affixed codes to the student responses. In all, seven categories of responses were found. The librarian assessed seven one shot sessions, with these results:

Keycode:                                        Number of Responses (7 sessions)








scholarly sources

library website

citation style

academic writing

search strategies

ask us

technology tool









This work will serve as the foundation for research in 2016, as librarians Jannette Finch (North Campus) and Joey van Arnhem (Instructional Design Librarian) explore coding one shot sessions for assessment more thoroughly. We hope to work more closely with professors in developing desired student learning outcomes, in working within the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education and in coding student feedback for deeper assessment.

LGC Librarian

Profile Photo
Jannette Finch
she, her, hers
Addlestone Library, Room 101