Scheduled Instruction - LIBR 105
Outcome 1: Based on the ACRL Information Literacy Framework, assess two of six student learning outcomes (SLOs):
Identify contextually appropriate tools and resources to answer research questions
Critically evaluate information according to discipline specific parameters of authority
Assessment Methods: Two consecutive blind reviews of the signature assignment for a section of LIBR 105 were used to measure the effectiveness of LIBR 105 in relation to the identified SLOs:
Measure 1: Identify contextually appropriate tools and resources to answer research questions
Performance Target: At least 75% of students score a 3.0 or better on a scale of 1-4
Measure 2: Critically evaluate information according to discipline specific parameters of authority
Performance Target: At least 75% of students score a 3.0 or better on a scale of 1-4
Strategies: A rubric was developed to measure the SLOs. Reviewers met to familiarize themselves with the SLOs and rubrics and to normalize results.
Assessment Results:
Measure 1: Identify contextually appropriate tools and resources to answer research questions.
Performance Target: At least 75% of students score a 3.0 or better
Results: 79% (15 out of 19) scored a 3.0 or better
Measure 2: Critically evaluate information according to discipline specific parameters of authority.
Performance Target: At least 75% of students score a 3.0 or better
Results: 42% (8 out of 19) scored 3.0 or better
Target met for measure 1?: Yes
Did results for measure 1 demonstrate improvement from previous assessments?: No
Target met for measure 2?: No
Did results for measure 2 demonstrate improvement from previous assessments?: No
Please describe your selections above for each measure
Following the, In 2016, librarians revised the SLOs for LIBR 105 to better reflect the concepts and themes of the newly released ACRL Information Literacy Framework. Given the recent attention on reliability of information and the ability to find and discern credible information it was determined that, of the six SLOs, the ability to identify contextually appropriate tools and resources and the ability to critically evaluate information merited a full and comprehensive assessment.
Use of Assessment Results: Reflect on the data. What do the data mean for your unit? What changes/strategies were implemented based on the results?
Measure 1: Based on the assessment data, this SLO is consistently being met and, although LIBR 105 is constantly evolving, the instruction strategies designed to meet this SLO are working.
Measure 2: Data from this measure was meaningful in that it reinforced what had been the experience for librarians: many students find it difficult to critically evaluate information.
Implemented Strategies:
Required Early Draft Signature Assignments (artifact): Given the short duration of express courses, this strategy proved difficult to implement. Many students have never used the library's resources prior to class and need instruction before they can even begin to search for sources. In order to implement this strategy under these time constraints, the signature assignment was scaffolded in a Google Doc and feedback given for each section. This allowed students to receive instruction, practice what they learned, and incorporate instructor feedback into the signature assignment.
Sharing results with peers: Students explored the libraries' databases and shared what they learned through Group Online Database Presentations.
Scaffolded Assignments: Scaffolding built into course as is reflected in the syllabus:
Planned Strategies: Results of this assessment will be shared with the Research and Instruction Librarians as well as LIAC (Library Instruction Advisory Committee) to determine a path forward.